I still have not found the pictures from the championship game of soccer in the spring. I will post them soon. But I did want to let everyone know that Fall Soccer season with AYSO officially starts here this next week. Tracy has a coaches meeting on Tuesday and gets his packet with his new team of girls. We can start practicing as soon as we get our packets. YAY!! I really will post a schedule this time as soon as we get it. We're super excited to see what's in store this season!
I'll let you know our team number as soon as we know. They'll post a schedule about mid-August of games.
Monday, July 30, 2007
Soccer seaon is coming soon...
Posted by tracEy at 2:16 AM 1 comments
Julia eats Mexican!
Posted by tracEy at 1:54 AM 1 comments
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Zoo pictures finally!
Mallory smiled even though she said it stunk!
Ah, yes... the "cool spot" - we have a picture of Mallory with Tracy under the same one when she was 2 years old. She cried too when Tracy first made her go through it but then, like Julia, she got over it.
I am not sure there are even words to describe this picture - this is outside the gorilla house.
Posted by tracEy at 11:20 PM 1 comments
Monday, July 16, 2007
The ZOO!
We finally got to take both kids to the zoo! We'd been trying to wait for Mallory to be here when we took Julia for the first time. Sooo... we went to the Greenville Zoo on Saturday, July 14. Julia was a little fussy getting out of the stroller at the elephant exhibit, but nothing else seemed to really phase her. And well, Mallory is 7 now so she's used to all of it - unlike the first time we took her there at age 2!
Mallory loved getting to see all the monkey exhibits - she's on a monkey kick right now! And a couple of the monkey exhibits are all Julia really seemed to get excited about that day - she leaned forward in her stroller to look closer at the spider monkey and squirrel monkey exhibits. Otherwise, she was her laidback self as usual - just taking everything in and fussing a little when the stroller stopped.
I think we're going to try and go to another zoo in a few weeks - we have Hollywild less than 10 miles from our house and Riverbanks isn't that far away - in fact, it's on the way to Grandma and Grandpa's!
The Greenville Zoo isn't as big as some zoos. They don't have the lions exhibit right now - it says they're working on a giraffe exhibit and that both should be done Summer 2007. I'm guessing they're a little behind on their work don't ya think? I didn't see tigers either - don't know what happened to them. I know both tigers and lions were there when Mallory was 2, 4, and 5! We didn't go last summer - I was too pregnant for all that!
Well, it's time to get started for Monday. I will post pictures this evening of the zoo and Julia eating Mexican! :) later taters...
Posted by tracEy at 8:02 AM 0 comments
Saturday, July 7, 2007
The rest of 4th of July pictures!
Giant water slide at the indoor kiddie pool - Julia wasn't big enough yet, but Mallory, Tracy and Madison and Doug were! Here comes Mallory in this one!
She's trying to figure out how to splash the water through the float thing - it's coming through that orange netting on the float.
Posted by tracEy at 10:42 PM 0 comments
4th of July!
We went to visit our family in Asheville for the 4th of July holiday. We actually stayed more than just the holiday but I only have pictures from July 4th.
We went swimming at a recreation center in Waynesville, NC. It was all indoors and had a regular, olympic size pool, but then it also had a huge kiddie pool that went from 1 ft. deep to 4 ft. deep. The kiddie pool also had a huge indoor water slide. Everyone had fun at the pool including Julia and her cousin, Makenzie, who is only 6 months old! Julia isn't scared of anything - she kept trying to drink the pool water and kicked and splashed up a storm! I have pictures of Mallory, Tracy, and our cousins Madison and Doug going down the slide. Tracy and Doug were trying to see who could make the biggest splash at the end - still not sure who won that one!
After this we went to their friend, Ann's new place by Lake Junaluska. We basically had a picnic dinner. Julia was sitting in the floor "talking" to Makenzie, but crawled off as soon as I got the camera out to take a photo. We tried to take some pictures of her before we left Ann's house but that didn't work out too well (she didn't want to be still - she wanted down on the ground again). Mallory stayed at the lake and watched fireworks there with our family, while Tracy and I took Julia back to Asheville and we went with Jimmy and Madison to watch fireworks in Asheville. As usual, Julia wasn't scared of a thing! She laughed and smiled and watched the fireworks. She would jump a little if it was a big BOOM! She never got upset by the noise though! She laid upside down in her daddy's lap watching them.
It was a really long day but it was a fun day. Several of us woke up with summer colds the next morning (Julia included). Most of us slept well after such an eventful day!
Well, I'm out of here. My parents will be here soon today! Later taters.
Posted by tracEy at 8:08 AM 0 comments
Monday, July 2, 2007
Beach Hat Baby Photo Contest!
Posted by tracEy at 9:29 AM 0 comments
Sunday, July 1, 2007
A few pictures from our Memorial Day weekend...
Posted by tracEy at 8:55 PM 0 comments