I had forgotten to post about this - how could I do that?
In late April, Tracy and I took the girls to see a black light puppet show presented by Theatre/Converse. They did a presentation of Jack and the Beanstalk. Both girls really enjoyed it and for the most part Julia Grace is good when we go to productions like this. I have been pleasantly surprised! It's a good thing it was a kids show though because Julia Grace got a little interactive with it. When Jack and his cow were fishing, Julia Grace said "MOOOO!". And this is my most proud/embarrassed moment - Right when the beanstalk started growing to the sky, Julia Grace said
Both girls really enjoyed the show as did the adults - it was cute and funny. Converse College theater shows are always great - I often forget this and they're affordable too. Although, you need to check because most of them aren't family productions unless they say they are (language and situations within the productions). Julia Grace really enjoyed climbing the steps up to Hazel B. (the theatre). Tracy and I also got to introduce Mallory to Ms. Mary Nicholson who has been instrumental in too many things to even write about with theater in our community. Tracy and I got to work with Ms. Mary at the Spartanburg Youth Theatre and I got to be in her theater class and a production at Converse College as well.
I almost forgot about one other cute thing - Julia Grace was taking the steps DOWN two at a time after the show. She kept putting her finger to her lips saying "SHHH!". Apparently, after she climbed in Tracy's lap from her seat, she tried to be more interactive and he was shushing her. So she thought that was something you did was to "SHHHH!" - so cute!
We followed with dinner at McDonald's and playground afterwards. Needless to say both girls were asleep shortly after arriving home! It was a great night out with the family!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Jack and the Beanstalk
Posted by tracEy at 10:56 AM 0 comments
Monday, May 25, 2009
Posted by tracEy at 11:04 AM 0 comments
Zoo Tots
Posted by tracEy at 10:33 AM 0 comments
Monday, May 11, 2009
Fancy Paper Crafters
Posted by tracEy at 10:40 PM 0 comments
Monday, May 4, 2009
We had a great weekend!
Great weekend with the kids! I had to work Saturday night so we didn't get to do much together on Saturday but we went out on Friday evening and to Spring Fling on Sunday. I'll post more and put up some pictures hopefully later on this evening! Josh had a great show and we had a good time at Spring Fling aside from Julia Grace's hissy fit (after his show, not during). She fell asleep in the stroller about 10 minutes later so we at least knew what was wrong in the first place!
Hope everyone had a great weekend! I enjoyed catching up reading some of my favorite blogs! I like seeing what everyone is into these days! :)
Posted by tracEy at 2:48 PM 0 comments
Friday, May 1, 2009
Josh Ridings
This weekend is Spring Fling and on Sunday afternoon our worship leader at Hope Point, Josh Ridings , is performing at 2 p.m. We plan on trying to go see him if the weather permits and check out the other festivities.
Josh Ridings and his band are awesome - if you know him or you come to Hope Point, you already know this. If not, then check out his website - I posted the link above - or his YouTube videos. He also has a blog and he's a pretty funny guy - it's on my blogroll.
Posted by tracEy at 2:54 PM 0 comments