Yes, that is a man on top of a tractor. That would be one Richard Smith - our pastor! He stood on top of the tractor pulling us on the hayride and then stood on top of this to take photos of our hayride entourage. Don't try this at home!
Mallory is roasting a hotdog or two on our bonfire as it's getting started.
They had a cookie-making station at our bonfire - Tracy wasn't feeling well so he stayed home with Julia Grace. Since he couldn't come, Mallory made him a cookie surprise to take home to him.
Mallory loses her hat during the Anchor version of the Crazy Crab walk - the Crazy Spider - complete with extra spider legs provided by Ms. Merissa. Look close at Mallory's waist!
Everyone ended the hayride/bonfire time by roasting some marshmallows before heading back to the store area.
Mallory and I had a great time - this is the first time we've gotten to go to the Anchor bonfire when it was held at Nivens' Apple Farm. We have been when it was at the Wolfe's house in previous years. We had to miss a couple of years because of our Asheville cousins getting married in late October (not once but twice!). We are blessed with a wonderful church that provides many great children's activities and a wonderful planner of our children's time, Merissa. Merissa is so creative and I would never think of some of the wonderful activities and mission projects she engages our children with each week. Thank you Hope Point and Merissa! :)
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