I have been awake since 3 a.m. At first I could not figure out why on Earth I would be awake at such an hour. I got up (went to the bathroom - you know what everyone goes to do initially when they wake in the middle of the night) and that just wasn't it. My hand was still hurting some so I took something for that thinking maybe that little nagging pain bothered me enough to wake me. I drank some grape juice. Nah... none of this seemed to be it. Nor did I seem to be getting sleepy.
So I laid back down and that didn't work. I was warm and cozy and it was dark. So I got back up and I had some quiet time in prayer. And afterwards it was one of those moments I just realized hrmmm.... I'm up because you wanted me to get up and get going right? It was as though I could feel God shaking his head YES (emphatically!). So yeah, here I am God - I am up and at 'em! :) Hehehe. I think God knew... well, no I know God knew I needed some quiet time to myself this morning to get some things done that couldn't be done with a little girl running around the house and that included some morning time with Him. It's a good thing He woke me so early 'cause the little girl of the house woke up at 7 a.m. herself! Wowsers. I've been going to bed earlier and she has too. So we're having more early mornings and it's not been bad at all so far.
Yesterday, Julia Grace woke up around 4 a.m. and decided to kiss my face over and over while I slept and sing. Yes, SING. In.the.dark.at.4a.m. Like... Bababbabebaabaaaaa and Whoa Whoa Whoa ya Bow (Row, Row your boat). But how on Earth can you get upset with that? I finally said Julia Grace you're not going back to sleep are you? She giggled, ran in the living room, stood on the couch to turn on the overhead light and got in the recliner and waited. You know. For food and TV. Rotten I tell you! She had some ice water, an apple and watched 85% of Toy Story 2 before conking back out right around 6 a.m. I went back to bed after calling dad to wish him a Happy Birthday. She woke up in time for Sesame Street. Never fails. EVER.
I tell ya - I will be ready for a nice nap after lunch with Kari today! Maybe it will be raining by then to help me out with that! :) Oh, and thank You, God, for awakening me today!
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Posted by tracEy at 9:48 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Happy Birthday 'Ampa!
Posted by tracEy at 10:30 AM 0 comments
Monday, April 27, 2009
Posted by tracEy at 7:46 PM 0 comments
Louisiana Day 4
This was the parent emu that almost pecked me because I was leaning over taking the baby emus' picture. YIKES!
Posted by tracEy at 8:54 AM 0 comments
Saturday, April 25, 2009
lots to update...
I know I know...I keep saying I'll finish updating and I don't. But I will do it this weekend - most likely tomorrow evening. We're going to Nana and Papa's for a late dinner with them and Mamaw.
Julia Grace and I spent the day shopping and hanging out with Jayne and her boys all day yesterday. It was nice to get out and do something with a friend without being rushed to be anywhere else. Thursday afternoon I got really brave and took Mallory and Julia Grace to the Greenville Zoo all by myself! They played on the playground outside the zoo for an hour past close and then we met a clean Daddy (he'd been cutting yards all afternoon) for dinner and hanging out before Mallory went back to her mother's. Wednesday Tracy and I took Julia Grace to McDonald's for some playtime and lunch before they dropped me off at work,headed to get some pictures for some BPO's, then they came back to get me. It's just been a really busy week.
I've got a lot of things I want to get done this week. Lots of little projects around the house that I hope will make a big difference around here. Busy planning some small day trips for us and the girls too - I will be glad when summer gets here and Mallory can join us on our day excursions too. Hope everyone has had a great weekend so far and check back for more updates and pictures from the rest of Louisiana and Easter and 3 zoos in a month - whoa baby! Julia Grace is learning to say things like zoo and tell you what sounds animals make. She says E-ra (zebra) and A-raffe (giraffe). Hey...it's progress! She and Mallory really like petting zoos - they have a hoot and a half at them! Take care and check back later!
Posted by tracEy at 8:27 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Louisiana Day 3
Hey - look at me!
Posted by tracEy at 9:37 PM 0 comments