This was the parent emu that almost pecked me because I was leaning over taking the baby emus' picture. YIKES!
On our last day in Louisiana - we spent the afternoon at Zoo of Acadiana in Broussards. Tracy and I took Julia Grace while Philip and Nana were taking care of seeing about the Saturn being fixed. They told us about noon that it "COULD" be fixed that day.
The zoo wasn't a huge one but it was neat to go to one somewhere away from home and see how things were different. We had to wait in the parking lot for Cathy to come pick us up because the car seat was in her car at this point. JG ate some -ironically- animal crackers and fell asleep while waiting.
We ate at a chain called Cane's chicken for dinner before hitting the road. It was really good - wish we had one here! Tracy drove all night long Wednesday into Thursday to get home. We enjoyed seeing Philip and seeing Louisiana but we all had things to do and were just ready to be home.
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