We took Mallory with us to Julia Grace's dentist visit. This is Julia Grace's third visit to the dentist. She's not really any more used to it than the first time we took her. She's screamed and cried at every visit. I guess it's a good thing they have rooms that are sound proof for the most part or she might be scaring other kids away from the place! Seriously - she started crying after getting off the play area and I warned the lady, Emily, that cleaned her teeth. I said I'm really sorry in advance because she is going to scream and cry because she doesn't like any doctors touching her. She said I know I read her notes. What? What notes?
Apparently Julia Grace has notes in her chart that say: "very reactive; bites". Nice.
Her checkup was good. No cavities and the bottom two molars came in sometime over July 4th weekend. They weren't in on Friday but were in on Monday at Dr. Muncy's office. She has two more that you can see the little points of the teeth pressing the gums and outlined. Any day now he says. I sure hope so! Julia Grace is having a hard time with them through the night.
She cried as soon as Dr. Muncy came in - even though he didn't try to cut up with her this time. He just said hello and she started crying. Now don't think bad of Dr. Muncy because as far as dentists go, he's the best one I've seen in quite some time and definitely the best pediatric dentist I've met. Julia Grace just screams bloody murder with any doctor. She has done it to Dr. Webb about 2 weeks ago, at the audiologists, and with the doctor at the genetic testing session on Wednesday (that's a post for another day and I don't know what I would have done without Mallory to help me).
Anyhow, she had a good checkup, didn't bite them this time, and cried/screamed a little less this time. They let both girls get a prize from the bucket. Mallory was a sweetheart and picked out something for Julia Grace instead of something for her. She is such a thoughtful child and really growing up on us. Each girl got ice cream at checkout too - Mallory thought it was de-lish! We took the girls to Chick-fil-a for lunch before heading home. Tracy won't take pictures of Julia Grace having her teeth cleaned or even in the dentist chair at all because she pitches such a fit. I guess I don't blame him so all I have are before and afters.
Just wondering - anyone else have tips for all the screaming and commotion at the doctor's office? I don't think she's scared of them, just doesn't like being touched!
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