I don't have very many pictures of Halloween - I left the photography up to Angie for the most part and I'm waiting on her pics. Let's just say Halloween started out with a bang. Mallory has MONO and we found this out on Thursday. It was looking iffy as to whether we would all get to go trick or treating. Mallory had an upset stomach all night Thursday and all during the day Friday. Mallory perked up at the doctors' office late afternoon and came on over. While Tracy was picking Mallory up for the weekend, I was getting Julia Grace ready for the evening. Bathtime - went smoothly as it usually does. Julia Grace loves a bath! It was afterwards that she had hissy fits over getting her tangles out of her hair. She got over that. Then the meltdown was over me putting her costume on her - she got over that after we danced around the kitchen and she realized her costume was kinda fluffy and twirled when she danced. Then we were back to meltdown as soon as I tried to pull her hair halfway up so she looked like the beautiful "Alice in Wonderland" that she was!
Mallory got to the house and we got her dressed & us out the door without too much calamity! We finally arrived at Dan & Angie's house.Tracy, Angie, and myself walked the girls around the neighborhood. We had a great time - Dan grilled out for us all and his parents and brother dropped by too. They played guitars a bit and we had dessert. Mallory loved on Patches and Freckles - she has recently told us she is "a dog person". Julia Grace kept trying to escape up their stairs. I guess Julia Grace is a "stair person". Na, not really. But I do believe she thinks she is a Wiggle or a monkey. More on that later.
As soon as I get pics I will post them and update on Mallory more tomorrow. Mallory goes back to the doctors' offices in the morning. She's been put on homebound as of Thursday. She also had to miss her class Halloween party and the soccer game on Saturday. She's not too happy about this "school at home" business. I hope she learns to make the best of it. The soccer team is tied for first place and has the first game of the tournament at 8.30 a.m. next Saturday - keep you posted on that too!
Hope everyone had a great Halloween/First of November weekend! Lots to post this week so come back! :)
New School Year
2 years ago
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