Monday, November 10, 2008


I'm a little behind in updating. I'll start with the weekend before Halloween - we met at Dan & Angie's house and carved pumpkins. I don't believe I've carved a pumpkin since I was a kid and I had so much fun! This is something that's become a yearly tradition at Dan & Angie's but we've not been able to make it(again - goes back to those cousins getting married in late October and last year it was out of town work).

Tracy and I had stopped by the pumpkin patch at St. Matthew's Episcopal to get pumpkins on the way out of town - Julia Grace spent the night at the hotel with Grandma and Grandpa. We saw Mallory's best friend Madison and her dad at the pumpkin patch just as we were leaving. They had been to the movies and had come to work in the pumpkin patch the rest of their Saturday evening. Madison sure is a sweet girl and funny too!

We headed down the road and had a yummy dinner and cupcakes (some people just couldn't WAIT on them to be frosted, but I won't post THOSE pics - haha) and peanut butter kiss cookies. Then we got down to the business of carving pumpkins. Mine and Tracy's are above and the group photo is below:

Brett, Amy, Angie, Tracy, Tracey, Dan