This blog is 2 things. One, it is my 100th post - wow, when I started I had no clue it would get here this fast! Two, it is the last of 2008.
I won't lie - 2008 can go. It's been a rough year in many ways, but at the same time, I cherish all the family moments we've had. Julia Grace is getting so tall - still weighs 28 1/2 lbs since March - and she's just hitting all kind of milestones right and left. It's hard to keep up with it all. She's so loving, feisty, and silly. She's really begun to talk a lot in the last month. Today, Tracy was fixing a plate for dinner and said Julia I'm fixing a plate. She said Plate! He said is this a good thing? Sure!
She's really gotten into coloring and drawing on her chalkboard. She tried to drink the water while doing paint with water so I'm not sure we'll attempt that again for a bit. I think tomorrow since Tracy and I are both home with nowhere to be the first of the day, we may try finger paint. Julia Grace has really gotten into the Wiggles and Elmo as well as maintaining her interest in all things Curious George. We're really looking forward to taking her to Elmo LIVE in 2 weeks. :)
We were going to have a Grandma & Grandpa visit and then traditional New Years dinner with Nana & Papa. Grandma & Grandpa cancelled their visit because they were coming to visit us and my sister's grandmother, Granny. Granny and I were both under the weather so they thought my mom shouldn't chance it (I have a cold and a random fever off/on last 2 days). Mom is doing well with her treatment and she has a sore mouth and throat. She is wearing her wig all the time now, but it's hard to notice if you don't see her often. It looks very much the color of her normal hair - just thicker (she had naturally thin hair) and a little longer. Please continue to pray for my mom - she will have another set of scans on Monday, January 5th. This is a little past the halfway mark of the 18 week chemotherapy treatments. She had good results at Thanksgiving for her 6 week checkup. I am so glad she's still doing well this far and they're even going to take a trip this weekend to Charleston from Friday through Sunday since they had a long weekend.
We will still be having dinner with Nana & Papa. Nana is off all day and Papa is working. Tracy is going to Asheville to play football with his cousins for a few hours in the afternoon but will be home for dinner as well. I am looking forward to black eyed peas and greens. Nana is the only one that eats those things like me. My grandmother was sweet enough to fix greens just for me this past weekend too and sent home leftovers. I love it - however, Mallory and Tracy have always told me they stink and even begged the Cracker Barrel waitress once to tell me the kitchen was out of them so I wouldn't order them.
On another note, Mallory broke her wrist at her mom's house this week. Tracy told her one day she'll have a normal birthday but not this one. Mallory has been sick so many times on her birthday - once even in the hospital. Even last year, Tracy had to go pick her up from school because she threw up in the classroom on her birthday. Poor gal! She will be getting a cast on Friday.
While I think the things I won't miss from 2008 are obvious (if they aren't, you can ask me privately), I am hoping for better in 2009.
I pray that my mom will continue to feel better and do better.I know that she won't ever be 100% well unless that is what God has chosen for her. I hope that Mallory will have a new year free of any accidents and that it may be everything she hopes it will be. She deserves a good year. I hope that Julia Grace continues to do well - she will be 3 later this year and it just doesn't seem like she should be! I hope Tracy's career path continues to do well and that several things come to fruition this year. And me, well I can always be a better me. I've got things I'm working on too.
I hope everyone has a Happy New Year! I'll post again later with Christmas pics and let you know if we attempt the finger paint.
Happy New Year everyone!
Happy Birthday again Allison! :)
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Posted by tracEy at 11:54 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Happy Birthdays!
I am trying to cover all the bases here :
Happy (late) Birthday to Angie - this bestie is a Christmas Eve baby!
Happy (early) Birthday to Allison - Goobyhead is a New Years' Eve baby!
a most Happy Happy Happy Happy (early) Birthday to my munchkin/punkinhead/chickenleg, oh wait, I meant Mallory! - She will be a big 9 years old on January 4th!
Posted by tracEy at 12:11 AM 2 comments
Monday, December 29, 2008
New stuff...
I am really not feeling the blog thing tonight so I'll keep it short. Maybe.
I am worn out from Christmas but it was such a blessing to see so many family members even if it was crammed into a short span of time. We still missed seeing a few family members and we still have friends to spend "Christmas" with - Jayne and Angie. I'm not sure if we'll get to see Jayne this weekend as anticipated - I know she's worn out with working and travelling - we may be sending a package to Canada instead and see them later in 2009. I'll know better by the end of the week how she's feeling with travelling. Riley Pig and Julia Grace have matching monkeys they got for Christmas - he has the boy monkey and she has the girl monkey - that would be a great photo-op!
Angie and I have some scrapbooking times planned this weekend, but I think we're trying to wait until Mallory is with us to exchange gifts with them. Mallory's 9th birthday is coming up on Sunday and I know Tracy has some Daddy/Mallory things planned for the evening.
I have gotten to see my mom the last 2 weekends. We travelled yesterday to Red Springs, NC (far far away) to have Christmas with Gigi and it was a great afternoon together. I got to wear my new outfit my mom and dad gave me for Christmas. I was so proud to wear it! I wish I'd thought to have a picture made. You see, I have lost 17 lbs since the first of August and I hope to continue with the trend. The pants and the sweater were both a size down from what I've been wearing. I think my mom is tired of me fooling with that same pair of blue jeans and khaki pants - they both fall down as I walk. In fact, at home, I've made them laugh by walking right out of my pants just to be silly. But I digress... I do have a photo of me in my baggy blue jeans from the rear, but no one wants to see my butt. Really. They don't. Except. Well. That doesn't count.
It was a great Christmas and so wonderful to have Mallory over for the first time ever on Christmas Day as well as Christmas Eve all day too. I really enjoy having her here and I love how she likes to create things - be it in the kitchen or art-wise. I hope she really enjoyed being with us on Christmas Day and that it was all she thought it might be. I think so. I slept on the couch and I opened my eyes and there stood Mallory with wide eyes looking at all the presents under the tree. I said you can't touch a thing until your sister gets up too. The next thing I know I see Mallory carrying a very sleepy Julia Grace to the recliner and sitting her in it, saying She's awake - see? Too cute - I have a pic of Julia Grace in the recliner. She looks like what just happened to me?
I am going to go to bed. Julia Grace got the Aristocats for Christmas from Gigi (along with some books and Wiggles DVDs and Here Comes the 123's cd/dvd). The movie is now over and that little girl still hasn't conked out for the night. She didn't even finish her nap earlier - the phone kept ringing (same person over and over- grrr!). C'est la vie!
Good night everyone and I will post pictures from Christmas Eve and Day later!
Posted by tracEy at 10:51 PM 0 comments
Saturday, December 27, 2008
The Big Ones
Mallory didn't tell us for sure about a big gift from us for her until Monday, Dec. 22. I couldn't find it anywhere so I had to order it. By the next time she's here, it will be waiting on her. It actually is scheduled to be here according to the website on Tuesday, December 30. She asked for the complete set of Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events. Daddy made her a "mini-book" as you will see in later pics and posting.
Julia Grace received a Little Tikes Cook 'n' Learn kitchen. I think I had mentioned previously that she was getting that. She has been carrying around the foods and banging on pots and pans. I caught her pretending to wash dishes yesterday! So sweet!
I will have to post more photos later of actual Christmas Day with the girls and Christmas Day evening dinner/ gifts at Granny's house. We actually will be seeing more friends and family for gift exchanges and a birthday dinner for Jennifer today. Tomorrow, we're travelling to Red Springs, NC for Christmas with my aunt and grandmother, Grandma, or as it appears Julia Grace will call her, Gigi. :) You know, as in G.G. - Great-Grandma. We also still have to schedule Christmas time with Dan & Angie - so as you can see, we're nowhere done with Christmas here!
Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas! Happy Birthday Jesus! :)
Posted by tracEy at 1:20 PM 0 comments
Friday, December 26, 2008
Christmas Eve 2008
Julia Grace and Makenzie play with a Christmas tree decoration and Jordan's dinosaurs.
More dinosaur play!
Posted by tracEy at 3:04 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
A Road Trip to McDonald's...
No, not really. But, that IS what we tried to tell Mallory. Too bad she can read and it spoils surprises. :)
Actually we had work to do on Monday in Rutherfordton, N.C. So... we took the girls with us. We got to the house we were visiting and Mallory kept asking questions. What does it look like? What color is the building? Can we see it from here? Have I been to it before?
We went to McDonald's after the house. We got to the red light and we're waiting to turn and said well, that's it. We brought you all the way here to eat at that McDonald's. She said no you didn't. You're not serious.
Then she seriously says: Dad, I saw a sign that says children's museum. Is that where we're really going? There went the surprise - but it was only one red light up from there so she was about to see it anyways.
We took the girls to KidSenses museum in Rutherfordton. I hadn't ever been before although MOMS does do field trips there. Tracy and I pass it quite a bit when we're going through the area for work and have actually been in the little town once a week for the last month. The girls loved it! I was afraid without having checked it out before that it would have been a little "babyish" for Mallory but she had a great time. I got some good pics of the girls and Tracy got several of me on their "teleprompter" that for some reason didn't pick up the color of my hoodie, but did on all the other shirts. It made me appear to have floating hands and head. The employees and the girls really got a kick out of that!
It was a great little road trip that took care of work and let the girls have fun too!
And... Dad got a new listing about 6 this evening in where else? Rutherfordton. Looks like we'll be going back soon!
Posted by tracEy at 3:52 AM 0 comments
The kids had a BLAST!
Posted by tracEy at 3:11 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Christmas with my family...
into the walls and stairs at my sister's house!
Julia Grace is taking Hailey on a very bumpy stroll.
Mallory is a "dog person" in case you missed that memo. :)
Posted by tracEy at 12:31 PM 0 comments
Stolen from Angie :)
A: Attached or Single - Attached
B: Best Friend - Angie, Andrea, Jayne, and Kari are always there no matter what may come! I love you guys! :)
C: Cake or Pie - Cake most of the time but I do love PUMPKIN pie!
D. Day of Choice - Saturday - nowhere to be most of the time unless it's soccer season!
E. Essential Item -COFFEE!
F: Favorite Color - Navy Blue
G: Gummy bears or worms - Bears - bouncing here and there and everywhere - haha!
H: Home town - Spartanburg, SC - born in the big ole Mary Black hospital.
I: Favorite Indulgence - a good coffee and a good book!
J: Jan. or July - January - don't like the heat of summer - plus there is more chance for snow in January!
K: Kids - Mallory (almost 9 in about 2 weeks) and Julia Grace (2)
L: Lemon in your tea - Icky poo! I went through a phase though where I liked lime in it though!
M: Marriage Date -12/04/03
N: Number or siblings - 1 sister, Rhonda
O: Oranges or Apples - granny smith apples with caramel dip or peanut butter
P: Phobias - mountain roads that DON'T have the guard rails and drop off really steep on one side. Like that guard rail is going to help SO much right?
Q: Quotes -
R: Reasons to smile - Tracy, our girls, my friends and "crafty time".
S: Season of choice - most definitely winter - I just wish it actually snowed here!
T: Think of 5 people who may do this - Jayne, Angie, Kari - not sure who else??
U: Unusual Fact - I can write both left and right handed.
V: Vegetable - mushrooms, onions, broccoli and squash
W: Worst Habit - procrastinating on tasks - getting better about it though.
X: Excited about - Christmas in 2 days!
Y: Your Favorite Food - I'm like Garfield - LASAGNA!
Z: Zoo or ZZZZZ's - Zoo - I love the zoo! :)
Posted by tracEy at 11:51 AM 0 comments
Thursday, December 18, 2008
24 hours later...
Julia Grace's fever finally broke this evening while she slept somewhere around 7 - about the time it started spiking last night. We took her to see Dr. Thomas today (who is awesome by the way, but he's leaving Spartanburg in January). She has an infection in her left ear and she's having her chest x-rayed tomorrow just as a precaution. She was breathing really shallow earlier in the day. She woke up about 7.30 and has been flying around ever since. She's wired! And why shouldn't she be? She's only slept most of the day away.
I'm glad she's feeling better even if she is starting to destroy the living room again in ways only a toddler can. I love her so much and I hate to see her not feeling well. Daddy has to administer the antibiotics for the next 10 days because I'm allergic to it. Julia Grace has a habit of buzzing her lips when she doesn't want to take medicine and I got some Motrin on me today from her doing it. Not taking chances on getting hives or anything before Christmas. I just want everyone well for Christmas!
Posted by tracEy at 10:26 PM 0 comments
pray for Julia Grace
It is earlier than I am usually awake. Julia Grace has had a fever all night long. She fell asleep while I was cooking dinner around 7.30/8 last night. She woke up later and we could not get her to eat and I noticed she was really warm. I took her temperature and found that it was 103.2. I gave her Tylenol and called our doctor's office. He suggested I just watch her since we weren't seeing any other immediate symptoms. It got up to 104.7 about 2 a.m. It was 103.2 again at 5.30. I gave her Motrin and I'm just waiting. I had been giving her Tylenol before now. She just got up and came in the living room and is actually talking in the dark. She's saying it's good it's good. I'm not sure what's good. I'll let you know if she lets me know!
Just pray that she feels better today and the fever is maybe a fluke thing and no doctor visit. Grandma is supposed to be coming for Christmas this weekend and she can't be around sick people. I'm not sure how that is going to work out anyways given that my brother in law, my nephew and Mallory are all on antibiotics right now.
I'll keep you posted - hope everyone feels better soon! And that I don't get it!
Posted by tracEy at 6:38 AM 0 comments