We took the girls to Hollywild on Saturday night and got some great pictures and some sorta blurry ones of our favorite things there. We had taken Julia Grace to Roper Mtn. lights one night a week or so ago - she did enjoy it. Don't get me wrong - she did love it. We didn't get out and walk their Winter Wonderland because it was cold and rainy the night we went.I also didn't realize until we got there that you could get out and walk part of it or we would have waited til a non-rainy night. She said hi and waved to the Snowman and about broke her neck trying to look at the butterflies at the science center. We made a few rounds through it before heading home.
However, after revisiting Hollywild we all agreed that Roper Mtn. lights had NOTHING on Hollywild! There were so many people waiting to get in there though it was crazy! While we were waiting Tracy serenaded us with alternative Christmas lyrics. He and Mallory also asked each other what their favorite things were like book, movie, song, color, food, tv show. It was quite funny - Mallory said her favorite movie was Twilight! :) Yay another convert to the Twilight saga! Haha! Oh my Edward! hehehe...
We did buy the deer food and attempt to feed the deer. Please note the word attempt. There were so many little ones and so many cars there, they all were skittish. The closest they got to our car was about 3 or 4 feet from it, except one brave one came and ate out of Mallory's hand very briefly. Last year they were all around the car, heads in the car, and the zebra was trying to lick the camera and my hand! The zebra was on the other side of the field and we couldn't get to him.
It was fun - the place was packed. We had considered getting out of the car at the rides and bonfire but there were so many people and it was already very late so we decided not to get out of the car. Julia Grace saw that big bouncy slide though and just like the butterflies at the science center, she strained her neck to look at it til she couldn't see it out of the car anymore. She loves those things! Mallory had to be up early for the play at her Mema's church so we didn't want to keep her up too terribly late! I love doing the little things like this at Christmas. The kids really enjoy it and it's just dazzling. :) I can't wait for the rest of our Christmas as a family uninterrupted for once. It will be so nice. I know Tracy and Mallory agree.
On another note, I finished Breaking Dawn. I tried to finish during that 3 hours of my life I'll never get back, but people had just agitated me too much for me to concentrate. This is quite possibly the best book series I have ever read. Go read Twilight and see the movie! :)
Posting pictures next...
New School Year
2 years ago
Found your blog while blog hopping.
This looks like so much fun! We don't have anything like that here.
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