Wednesday, December 10, 2008

My new calendar!!

I know this is supremely dorky of me, BUT(!)

I love, love, love, LOVE getting my new planner/calendar each year. I LOVE IT!

It's the uber-needy side of myself that loves to plan everything out on my little calendar.

I'm a planner. I want you to commit to a time frame before the day the event occurs. Preferably 2 weeks notice. So that I can put it in my planner.

This annoys some of you. It's how I'm wired. Get over it!

And without further ado - here is the cover of next year's planner:

Did I mention I also LOVE Mary Engelbreit things? I can't help it. I do. Magnets, notepads, journals, calendars, bookmarks, note cards. I have them. They are all around my house.

I digress.

For future reference, I also intensely DESPISE LIARS and LYING, am extremely annoyed by hick accents and ending sentences with prepositions, oh, and spelling - please don't forget to spellcheck. I'd hate to have to correct your grammar and your spelling mistakes. Hahaha!

But I love you! (well, most of you - you know who you are)


angelafsprouse said...

Awwww!! You're a dorkus like me :) ... who knew!