This is the first Christmas Day morning that Mallory has spent with her dad since she was 1 year old. We had great fun opening presents and being silly. It was so nice to have the whole family together for the first time ever on Christmas Day!
Mallory's big present from us was the complete set of Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events. Tracy wrote a letter to Mallory and included several photos of the coming package - hence the letter that says Warning! Do Not Enter! I think Mallory really enjoyed the letter to her from Santa Daddy.
See if you can spot the picture I mentioned in an earlier blog about Christmas Day - you know - the one where Julia Grace is looking like what just happened to me?
It was so great to be together at Christmas!
Julia Grace likes the Wiggles microphone!
Mallory is so hard to figure out sometimes - this is the Jonas Brothers book. I asked her if she wanted it several times out shopping... sometimes it was a yes, sometimes it was an I don't know... I told her Angie wanted it for Christmas and she giggled (yeah I know - it was a story but I was trying to get her to look at the book and talk about it!). Soooo... when she opened it Christmas Day - she laughed and said oh my gosh Daddy she told me she was getting it for ANGIE! I told her if she didn't like it I would give it Angie. I'm not allowed to give it to Angie. :) Which is good because I don't think JB is Angie's thing. Hehehe.
...even though you have the aroma of chicken...
...even though you have the aroma of chicken...
Mallory's "Ultimate" Pokemon guide - she pointed that out and said I want that!! That wasn't hard to decide to buy!
The girls' stockings - Mallory picked hers out the very first Christmas we were in our house in 2005. We still have to upgrade to another stocking for Julia Grace - we have the basic red one and then 2 Baby's First Christmas stockings for her. The stuffed dogs are Mallory's and the Madeline and monkey are Julia Grace's. Julia Grace and Riley Pig got matching monkeys for Christmas - his is the boy version without a bow though. Steve might not like him getting a girly monkey!
I love this picture! Julia Grace is having a belly laugh and Mallory is checking out her Pokemon cards.
Julia Grace is checking out her newest George.
What on Earth just happened to me? I was in a warm bed and then I wasn't!
Fisher Price Nativity scene - Julia Grace loves it! We try to tell her who they are but I don't think it will become a really teachable moment for her until next year. She loved playing with it and she chewed on the cow's tail for some reason. I caught this on sale last year at Christian Supply and have been considering the additional sets that join it.
What on Earth just happened to me? I was in a warm bed and then I wasn't!
Fisher Price Nativity scene - Julia Grace loves it! We try to tell her who they are but I don't think it will become a really teachable moment for her until next year. She loved playing with it and she chewed on the cow's tail for some reason. I caught this on sale last year at Christian Supply and have been considering the additional sets that join it.
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