Friday, January 30, 2009

It's been a loooong week.

I'll have to blog more about it this weekend since I have lots to do today.

I guess the main things going on right now are:

Tracy wrecked his dad's car about 2 weeks ago and we're somehow still driving it. The insurance company plans to "total" it but that's about all that we know right now and we won't have the car after that. Tracy was fine; someone ran him off the road on I-85 and left the scene. The car is scraped, dented, and flat out missing chunks of the driver's side of the car. He hit the metal fence in the median that keeps you from crossing into the other flow of traffic. How on earth he didn't get hurt or have airbags deploy is beyond me and I'm so glad God was watching over him. So depending on how things work out, we will either be car shopping earlier than anticipated or repairing the Saturn if we work out that option with the people who get it after Farm Bureau takes it.

I finally finished knitting my mom's hat - it looks a little big to me but it fit my head just fine. I just hope it fits hers! I knitted on circular needles and then 4 double-point needles and I don't even know how to begin to explain any of that to blogland! I will have to take some photos of the hat - it's a pale rosy pink yarn called chinchilla (no it's not made of them, just soft like them!). I am so glad I met my knitting ladies - they are really a sweet bunch of women and I wish I had more time to spend with them each week!

I have missed the last 2 Tuesday nights of Bible study but I'm really looking forward to being able to go this week. I have a good time with them and usually learn a lot! we're doing a 12 week Beth Moore study this time.

We have had tons of work for Shelton Properties this week. I guess that's how it is - it comes and it goes. For this I am grateful, for about 5 weeks we had nothing as far as work goes and from Dec. 19 to until the second week in January we didn't get a check at all and when we got one it was for $350. I'm glad we had saved money for other reasons and that we were able to pull through it all. Tracy has travelled all over the state in the beat-up car as far down as Yemassee and Walterboro and as far west as Aiken and North Augusta. I won't complain about miles and hours it takes because in the present economy, I'm just grateful to have work and a job at all.

Last but not least in the long week - Julia Grace fell last night in their bedroom and had a small gash above her right eyebrow. We think it may have been where she was running with a block in her hands but we're really not sure. I was home alone with her and cleaning up spilled milk.Prior to me cleaning it, Julia Grace was lying on her belly trying to lap it like a dog or cat and I said get out of that! She ran away when I said that and fell or ran into something in the bedroom while I was cleaning. She came out crying and saying ow ow ow. She had blood on it and I cleaned it and she screamed. It was evident she needed to go to the doctor, but the blood wasn't gushing anymore, it was starting to clot some. She allowed me to get her dressed and then went back to playing with her toys in the bedroom floor and jabbering and LAUGHING! When Cathy got here to take me to the ER, she was jabbering and smiled and laughed at her too. I felt bad; Tracy was at Mallory's PTO program and had to leave without talking to Mallory. He did get to see her part of the performance in the recycling program and took pictures of her dressed in her trash bag. That's a story for later!
Anyhow - long story short, Julia Grace got 3 blue stitches last night by Dr. Rauch. She didn't like the band aid over it while the numbing medicine took effect and she didn't like them binding her arms so she couldn't push them away. I had to hold her legs down at her knees so she didn't kick them. It was definitely an experience - after watching how they stitched her together this time I am certain they should have stitched her eyebrow last August instead of steri-stripped and glued it.

And I guess somewhat ironically, Jayne had just called me yesterday morning asking how deep Julia Grace's cut was last August, did it ooze, etc because Riley had hit his head on the coffee table at her in-law's before she got there to get him. She was debating on whether to take him to the doctor. Well, she went and Mr. Riley got 2 stitches himself. His cut was in the same area as Julia Grace's last one. So we have matching 2 year-olds! Definitely not planned but they both have done so well with this hiccup in toddler-hood. Riley gets his stitches out in 5 days and Julia Grace gets hers out in 6 days.

Well there's the updates I can think of for now. At least all the news that's fit to know for now. Haha.

Everyone have a good day and a good week and stay safe out there!


Buggaboosmommy said...

Poor Julia Grace!! I hope her noggin is ok today. I know it's stressful.
Are you guys going out of town this weekend? If not, the invite to come play with us is still open!! We'd love to see you if you can come!!! If not, maybe one weekend we can hook up and take the kids somewhere to play and catch up a little!