Thursday, January 15, 2009

So tired and it's only Wednesday!

I have been trying to get rid of "stuff". Tracy and I have spent time in the attic getting things gone from there and making room for other things. We have "girl clothes" that the girls have outgrown but we may need down the road so we were putting them away. The Christmas tree and most Christmas things are in the attic. I still have some down in our bedroom that after I find a suitable box for them will go up in the attic as well.

Tracy's been several different directions for work this week- he has to get up early tomorrow and head to Greenwood before coming back this way to be in Gaffney in the afternoon for Bob's BPO boot camp set-up at Limestone.

Then tomorrow evening we're going to see ELMO LIVE! :) Or as Julia Grace has taken to saying this evening : E-MO. Used to be Eh-mo. Now it's E-Mo. I know she doesn't have a clue what we're talking about right now but we hope she loves it tomorrow night. We also hope that she doesn't try to join them onstage (my mom is the one that made the last mental imagery).

I am going to bed. I am beat. I have several things to do tomorrow but for the most part, Julia Grace and I can relax. She and I have nowhere to be until our evening with Daddy at ELMO. Maybe we'll just snuggle under the covers and jabber in the morning. I like that - I know she does. She's funny that way. She will pull the covers up to her chin and lie there and talk talk away to us. We have no idea what she's trying to say but it's starting to come together. I love it that she's trying to say names; she gets so excited over saying Mallory - Mah-ry! Sometimes Mah-uh-ry! Always excited though and it tickles us! Tracy has been working on Yes, No, and Maybe with her - so cute - they do the head nods and everything.

Alright... I am off to bed. We had a great evening with Mallory - Tracy and I cooked dinner together. He decided to make homemade mashed potatoes. That took longer than anticipated but had great results! Julia Grace ate two bowls of mashed potatoes and all the meat off one chicken leg. She had the first bowl of potatoes gone before we had all sat down and Mallory had said the blessing. She'll learn one day.

Have a good night or day - whichever it is when you read this!